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Weather Forecasting and the Farmer’s Almanac

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Weather Forecasting and the Farmer’s Almanac

When it comes to traditions and age-old wisdom, the Farmer’s Almanac stands as a beacon of knowledge and guidance. For centuries, this publication has played a pivotal role in shaping the lives of farmers, gardeners, and enthusiasts of nature’s rhythms. From its intriguing origins to its questionable accuracy, the Farmer’s Almanac continues to captivate our fascination. For a change of pace, we will take a deep dive into what the Farmer’s Almanac is, how its outlooks are created and how reliable its information is.

In Summary:

  • Historical Significance of the Farmer’s Almanac: For centuries, the Farmer’s Almanac has provided practical advice, weather predictions, and insights into natural rhythms, blending meteorology, folklore, and astronomy to guide farmers and nature enthusiasts.
  • Questionable Accuracy: While the Almanac claims an 80% accuracy rate and has made notable predictions, studies show it is only 52% accurate, making it unreliable for precise, long-term forecasts compared to modern meteorology.
  • Modern Advancements in Weather Forecasting: Unlike the Almanac, advanced forecasting tools like Climavision’s Horizon AI Forecasting suite use cutting-edge Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models and High-Performance Computing (HPC) to deliver more precise and timely weather predictions.
  • Expanded Data Collection for Accuracy: Expanding and diversifying observational datasets is key to improving forecast accuracy. Climavision leverages unique data from remote sensing technologies and its proprietary radar network to provide real-time insights.
  • AI-Powered Forecasting: AI and machine learning enable faster data processing and improved weather predictions, helping industries prepare for extreme weather events with greater precision than traditional tools like the Farmer’s Almanac.

The Essence of the Farmer’s Almanac

The Farmer’s Almanac is a reference book that provides an array of practical information, ranging from weather forecasts to planting schedules, lunar cycles, astronomical events, and even recipes. This eclectic blend of knowledge aims to aid readers in planning their year, whether it’s planting crops, tending gardens, or predicting upcoming weather patterns.


Origins and Creation Process

The Farmer’s Almanac can trace its lineage back to the early 19th century, with the two most famous almanacs being the “Old Farmer’s Almanac” and the “Farmers’ Almanac.” The “Old Farmer’s Almanac” was first published in 1792 by Robert B. Thomas, while the “Farmers’ Almanac” came into existence in 1818 under the guidance of David Young and Jacob Mann. These almanacs were intended to be comprehensive guides for farmers, offering invaluable insights into the natural world and the changing seasons.

The creation process of these almanacs involves a blend of meteorological science, astronomical calculations, and traditional folk wisdom. The exact methodologies are often closely guarded secrets. The Farmers’ Almanac will only state publicly that their method is an “exclusive mathematical and astronomical formula, that relies on sunspot activity, tidal action, planetary position (astrology) and many other factors”. The publication’s forecaster is referred to by the pseudonym Caleb Weatherbee. According to the publishers, the true identity of the forecaster is kept secret to prevent them from being “badgered”.


Weather Folklore and the Almanac

It is common to hear weather folklore mentioned along with the Farmer’s Almanac as it has in the past relied on the traditional wisdom of farmers. The most popular being the winter season prediction derived from woolly worms.

The “woolly worm” is actually a caterpillar, specifically, the larva of the Isabella tiger moth. Nonetheless, the name “worm” has stuck in some parts of the United States while other regions refer to them as woolly bears. The fuzzy looking caterpillar has 13 distinct segments of either rusty brown or black. In the fall of 1948, Dr. C. H. Curran, curator of insects at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, collected as many caterpillars as he could in a day, determined the average number of reddish-brown segments, and forecasted the coming winter weather which was published by The New York Herald Tribune. (

Between 1948 and 1956, Dr. Curran’s average brown-segment counts ranged from 5.3 to 5.6 out of the 13-segment total, meaning that the brown band took up more than a good third of the woolly bear’s body. The corresponding winters were milder than average, and Dr. Curran concluded that the folklore has some merit and might be true. But Curran was under no scientific illusion: He knew that his data samples were small. Although the experiments legitimized folklore to some, they were simply an excuse for having fun. (

The tradition of assessing the woolly worm bands continues to this day. For over forty years, Banner Elk, North Carolina, has held an annual Woolly Worm Festival in October, highlighted by a caterpillar race. Similarly, there is a woolly bear festival that takes place in Vermilion, Ohio, each October. However, the Farmer’s Almanac makes clear that folklore is not a factor in their predictions now, including the popular woolly worm. (


Modern Advancements and Continued Relevance

In recent times, the Farmer’s Almanac has embraced modern technology without forsaking its traditional roots. Online platforms, digital editions, and mobile apps have made the almanac’s wealth of information more accessible to a wider audience. Despite these adaptations, the core mission remains unchanged: to provide practical guidance based on natural cycles and historical observations.


Accuracy Through the Ages

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Farmer’s Almanac is its reputation for accuracy. Over the years, the almanacs have gained a loyal following who eagerly anticipate their yearly predictions. But how accurate are these predictions, really?

While the Almanac claims to be accurate, it has received criticism for its predictions. Some meteorologists argue that the formula is outdated and not based on scientific data. Additionally, the Almanac’s predictions cover broad regions and may not be precise for a particular location.

Despite the skepticism, the Almanac does have a track record of making accurate predictions claiming to be 80% accurate. For example, it accurately predicted the Great Blizzard of 1888 in the northeastern United States and the droughts of the 1930s and more recently correctly forecasted the unusually cold and snowy winter of 2013-2014. (WLTX)

However, it has also had its share of misses. According to a University of Illinois study, the Almanac is only 52% accurate, which is basically a random process. Most short-term forecast models used by meteorologists tend not to go beyond two weeks because accurately predicting weather past that point is very difficult. (WLTX)


Weather Data to Rely On

The Old Farmer’s Almanac and Farmer’s Almanac are fun and interesting resources, but they should not be relied upon for detailed, accurate weather predictions. There are key aspects to modern meteorology and weather forecasting that, unfortunately Farmer’s Almanacs, do not use.


Expanded Observational Datasets

To increase the accuracy of weather forecasting, it is crucial to expand and diversify observational datasets. Traditional tools such as radiosondes are valuable sources of data, but they are limited in their spatial coverage. Increasing their number, especially in remote or underserved regions, can fill critical data gaps and provide a more comprehensive view of weather patterns. Additionally, the integration of remote sensing technologies have the opportunity to provide valuable insights into atmospheric conditions, moisture content, and other essential variables for accurate weather prediction.

At Climavision, we are increasing our access to unique observational data from multiple sources as well as  our own high-resolution radar network. These datasets give more insight into what is happening even in remote areas in real time. The more data there is to input into weather models, the more accurate the model outputs will be.


Cutting-Edge Numerical Weather Prediction Models

Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models are powerful tools used to simulate and predict future weather conditions. Advancements in computing power and modeling techniques have led to the development of more sophisticated NWP models. These models assimilate observational data from various sources and apply complex algorithms to simulate the behavior of the atmosphere. Improving the resolution and parameterizations within these models can enhance their accuracy in predicting weather events. Additionally, incorporating ensemble forecasting techniques can provide probabilistic forecasts, giving users a range of possible outcomes and associated uncertainties.

Our Horizon AI Forecasting product suite at Climavision, encompasses advanced NWP models developed by weather experts with extensive experience in the meteorology field. Climavision developed Horizon AI Global, HIRES, Point and Subseasonal to Seasonal to specifically address the new norms presented by our changing atmosphere to better predict volatile weather by increasing weather data collection and utilizing expansive HPC capabilities.


Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize weather forecasting by enabling faster data analysis, pattern recognition, and prediction refinement. Machine learning algorithms can identify complex relationships within large datasets, leading to improved prediction accuracy. AI-powered techniques, such as deep learning, can effectively analyze and interpret vast amounts of meteorological data, including satellite imagery, radar observations, and historical weather patterns. By integrating AI into weather forecasting systems, meteorologists can gain valuable insights and produce more accurate and timely forecasts, helping communities better prepare for extreme weather events.

Climavision’s revolutionary Tech Platform harnesses the power of AI and HPC to integrate and process our observational data, utilize machine learning and provide high resolution data to our customers in customized formats with exceptional speed and precision.


Rely on the Meteorological Experts

The Farmer’s Almanac continues to be a captivating blend of science, folklore, and practical advice. Its historical journey, from its inception by early visionaries to its current digital presence, is a testament to its enduring relevance. While its accuracy has been proven to be lacking, it remains a cherished source for those who seek to connect with the rhythms of the natural world. For those whose communities and businesses hinge on accurate weather data and insights, it’s best to rely on meteorological experts leveraging the latest investments in observational datasets, Numerical Weather Prediction models and Artificial Intelligence. If you’d like to learn more about these advancements and how they may benefit your organization, contact us.

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