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How Accurate Are Weather Forecasts in 2024?

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How Accurate Are Weather Forecasts in 2024?

Weather forecasts are a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, but have you ever wondered how accurate they really are? In 2024, as we navigate through a world heavily reliant on precise weather predictions for everything from daily commutes to disaster preparedness, the accuracy of these forecasts is more crucial than ever. This blog post covers the current state of weather forecasting, examining the technological advancements, accuracy metrics, and real-world applications that define our understanding of weather predictions today.

The Evolution of Weather Forecasting

Historical Context

Weather forecasting has come a long way from the days when people relied on simple observations and folklore to predict the weather. The first systematic weather forecasts were issued in the mid-19th century, following the invention of the telegraph, which allowed for the rapid transmission of weather data over long distances.

Technological Advancements

Over the years, technological advancements have significantly enhanced forecasting accuracy. The launch of the first weather satellite, TIROS-1, in 1960, marked a new era of global weather observation. The first successful numerical prediction was performed using the ENIAC digital computer in 1950 by a team led by American meteorologist Jule Charney. Today, supercomputers, sophisticated radar systems, and an array of satellites provide detailed and timely data that meteorologists use to predict weather with remarkable precision.


Challenges and Limitations

Unpredictable Variables

Despite advancements, certain variables remain challenging to predict, such as sudden thunderstorms and localized microclimates. These unpredictable weather events can cause significant disruptions and pose safety risks. Advances in nowcasting aim to improve short-term predictions of such events, but achieving high accuracy remains difficult.

Data Gaps

Data sparsity in certain areas, especially over oceans and remote regions, can impact the accuracy of weather models. Vast ocean areas lack the dense network of sensors found on land, making it challenging to monitor weather conditions in real-time. Remote regions and developing countries often lack the infrastructure for comprehensive weather data collection, resulting in less reliable forecasts for these areas.

Technological Constraints

While technology has advanced, it is still constrained by current computational power and the resolution of models. High-resolution models require immense computational resources, which are not always available. Additionally, while AI and machine learning have improved forecast accuracy, they are not infallible and can sometimes produce unexpected errors.

Human Interpretation

Weather forecasting is not solely reliant on models and data; human interpretation plays a crucial role. Meteorologists must interpret model outputs and apply their expertise to provide accurate forecasts. Misinterpretation or over-reliance on certain models can lead to inaccuracies. Continuous training and collaboration among meteorologists are essential to mitigate these challenges.


Current State of Weather Forecasting

Technology in 2024

In 2024, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning has revolutionized weather forecasting. These technologies, combined with advanced radar systems, high-resolution satellite imagery and other novel datasets, allow for more accurate and timely predictions. AI algorithms process vast amounts of data, identifying patterns that human analysts might miss, thereby improving forecast reliability.

Climavision uses cutting edge AI technology to its fullest extent. AI powers our legendary tech platform’s lightning-fast data analysis and integration. With Climavision’s acquisition of Intersphere in April of 2024, we have expanded our AI forecasting capabilities even more. Intersphere brings specialized expertise and skill in subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) forecasting and new AI technology. With our forecasting expertise combined, we can now offer the entire timescale horizon of forecasting from real time radar coverage to long term forecasts as much as two years out. With the help of AI, Climavision will be able to deliver customized forecasts with more speed and verified accuracy.

Data Sources

Modern weather forecasts utilize a variety of data sources, including satellite imagery, ground sensors, weather balloons, and radar systems. These diverse data points are essential for creating a comprehensive picture of current weather conditions and predicting future trends.

Climavision is leading the charge in increasing more observational data in weather forecasting. In fact, we process 1.5 billion global observational datasets, captured daily, and rapidly assimilate new and novel third-party datasets​. We not only capture more data, we have also increased the assimilation of usable observational data, currently utilizing over 20%, compared to the 3% used by many government models. This expansion of data sources enhances the granularity and accuracy of forecasts.

Prediction Models

Today’s Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models are sophisticated algorithms that simulate the atmosphere’s behavior using mathematical equations. These weather models, such as the Global Forecast System (GFS) and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), incorporate vast amounts of data to produce accurate forecasts. AI models work in tandem with these traditional numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, enhancing their speed and precision.

While AI’s role in advancing weather forecasting is undeniable, it cannot fully replace NWP models. Climavision utilizes both AI and NWP models, ensuring both speed and accuracy in weather predictions. Climavision’s Horizon AI Forecasting Suite uses a new approach to Numerical Weather Prediction that utilizes more advanced mathematical equations that AI alone cannot replicate.


Measuring Forecast Accuracy

Accuracy Metrics

Forecast accuracy is typically measured using metrics such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and skill scores. These metrics compare predicted values to actual observed conditions, providing a quantitative assessment of forecast performance.

Verification Methods

Forecasts are verified against actual weather events through a process called verification. This involves comparing forecasted weather conditions with observed data to assess accuracy and identify areas for improvement.

At Climavision we don’t want you to take our word for it – verify for yourself. We have built a fast, easy to use API that you can access to see our Horizon AI S2S accuracy metrics (CRPSS, ACC and MAE) for past forecasts as well as a backtested forecast (i.e what our forecast would have been if you queried it on this day) and the observed weather, for a particular latitude and longitude pair, or for a global forecast. Check out our S2S API documentation for accuracy and backtested data.

Performance Benchmarks

Current benchmarks for weather forecast performance are continually evolving. As of 2024, leading models achieve remarkable accuracy, with short-term forecasts (up to three days) often being highly reliable, while long-term forecasts (beyond ten days) remain challenging due to the chaotic nature of the atmosphere.

Climavision is pushing the envelope of accuracy across our entire Horizon AI Forecasting suite. For example, our Horizon AI S2S model is 30% more accurate globally and 100% more accurate for specific locations versus the ECMWF.​


Real-World Applications

Disaster Preparedness

In emergency management, accurate weather forecasts are vital for preparing and responding to natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, potentially saving lives and reducing property damage. Timely and accurate forecasts enable communities to evacuate, when necessary, secure property, and allocate resources effectively. Emergency services rely on precise weather data to strategize and implement disaster response plans.


In agriculture, precise weather predictions are crucial for planning planting and harvesting schedules, managing irrigation, and protecting crops from adverse weather conditions. Farmers depend on accurate forecasts to minimize crop damage from frost, drought, and other weather extremes. Weather forecasts also aid in pest control and in deciding the best times for applying fertilizers and pesticides.

Energy Sector

The energy sector also benefits greatly from accurate weather forecasts. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, are highly dependent on weather conditions. Accurate forecasts help optimize the integration of these renewable sources into the energy grid, improving efficiency and reliability. Additionally, power companies use weather data to predict energy demand, particularly during extreme temperatures.

Other Business Impacts

Weather forecasts significantly impact various industries, including aviation, shipping, and event planning, where accurate predictions can improve efficiency and safety. In aviation, forecasts are used to plot safe and efficient flight paths, avoiding turbulence and severe weather. The shipping industry uses weather data to ensure safe navigation and optimize routes, reducing fuel consumption and delays. Emergency management agencies depend on reliable weather predictions to make critical decisions about approaching weather disasters, ensuring safety and effective responses.


Utilize the Latest Advancements in Weather Forecasting Accuracy

In summary, weather forecasting has seen tremendous advancements, especially with the integration of AI and improved data assimilation techniques. While challenges remain, the progress made in the field ensures increasingly accurate and reliable forecasts. The advancements in data collection, AI capabilities and NWP development like Climavision has achieved will be critical as our atmosphere becomes more unpredictable and extreme. If you would like to learn more about how Climavision is revolutionizing weather forecasting and how that may benefit your organization, contact us.