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Pushing the Boundaries
of What is Possible
Our team is dedicated to advancing the science of weather forecasting. Our experts are at the forefront of innovations in meteorology, contributing to groundbreaking studies that push the boundaries of what’s possible in climate science. Contact us to learn how we translate these insights into revolutionary weather data solutions for businesses and government agencies.
Related Research from the
Climavision Team
At Climavision, our commitment to innovation and excellence drives us to continually refine our forecasting tools and techniques. Below, you’ll find a selection of publications from our team members, showcasing their contributions to the fields of AI, Data assimilation, advanced NWP, and high resolution modeling. We invite you to explore these studies and learn more about how we’re shaping the future of weather prediction.
Dr. Yonghui Wu
Senior Atmospheric Scientist
Wu, Y., Liu, Y., et al. 2016: Enhancing Precipitation Forecasts with Radar Data Assimilation using 4DREKF. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.
Wu, Y., Liu, Y., et al. 2018: Polar Vortex Dynamics and Its Impacts on Winter Weather. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences.
Dr. Juhui Ma
Atmospheric Scientist
Variational Bias Correction of TAMDAR Temperature Observations in the WRF Data Assimilation System
Peter Childs
Chief NWP Scientist
High-resolution Numerical Simulations of Hurricane Isabel (2003) over North Carolina