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Weather Derivatives and Horizon AI S2S for Risk Management

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Weather Derivatives and Horizon AI S2S for Risk Management

As climate change continues to fuel unpredictable and extreme weather events, businesses face new challenges in managing weather-related risks. From power utilities and insurance organizations to agricultural companies and renewable energy firms, industries need tools to protect against financial volatility caused by weather. Weather derivatives and advanced forecasting models like Climavision’s Horizon AI Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) are transforming how companies manage these risks.

This post explores how weather derivatives can mitigate financial risks from extreme weather and how Climavision’s Horizon AI S2S weather forecasting model provides advanced, data-driven insights to optimize decision-making.

In Summary:

  • Weather Derivatives: These financial products help businesses hedge against weather-related risks such as temperature changes, rain, or snowfall. Unlike traditional insurance, they pay based on weather indexes, providing flexibility and timely protection.
  • Increasing Demand Due to Climate Change: Climate change and more frequent extreme weather events have driven a surge in the use of weather derivatives, with trading volumes growing significantly.
  • Energy Industry Applications: Energy companies use weather derivatives based on Heating Degree Days (HDDs) and Cooling Degree Days (CDDs) to hedge against fluctuating temperatures that impact energy demand. Renewable energy firms also use these derivatives to manage risks from inconsistent wind and solar production.
  • Climavision’s Horizon AI S2S Model: This advanced AI weather model provides accurate subseasonal to seasonal predictions. It includes HDD and CDD forecasting as well as hourly downscaling and power production forecasts in gigawatt-hours (GWh) at specific asset locations to help energy traders and companies predict short-term weather impacts on energy production.
  • Climavision API Integration: The Horizon AI API delivers real-time weather forecasts and validation metrics, allowing companies to integrate data into their systems for better risk management.


What are Weather Derivatives?

Weather derivatives help businesses manage weather-related risks. Unlike traditional insurance, where companies must prove losses to receive a payout, weather derivatives pay based on specific weather indexes. These indexes might track temperatures in a particular location or measure precipitation levels.

The flexibility of these products allows companies to mitigate financial risks caused by weather fluctuations that could otherwise harm their bottom line. For instance, an energy company might buy a temperature-indexed contract to protect itself against a warm winter, which would reduce demand for heating fuel. Similarly, ski resorts can hedge against low snowfall, while outdoor events such as music festivals can protect themselves from potential rain.


The Growing Role of Extreme Weather in Weather Derivatives

Climate change is not only making weather more unpredictable but also increasing the frequency and severity of extreme events. From heatwaves to floods and wildfires, these events are driving businesses to adopt weather derivatives as a critical risk management tool. In 2023, the hottest summer on record—driven by the El Niño phenomenon—intensified the need for financial products that help businesses safeguard their operations (

The demand for weather derivatives has surged in recent years. On the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), average open interest in weather futures and options increased by 400% between January and September 2023 compared to the previous year and was 12 times higher than in 2019 ( With climate change expected to continue escalating weather extremes, more businesses are turning to these tools as a safety net against the unpredictable elements.


Weather Derivatives in the Energy Industry

For energy companies, weather is more than an inconvenience—it’s a major financial risk. Fluctuating temperatures can drastically impact energy demand. Warmer-than-expected winters or cooler-than-usual summers can significantly reduce demand for heating and cooling, which translates into lost revenue.

To mitigate these “volumetric risks,” energy companies use weather derivatives based on Heating Degree Days (HDDs) and Cooling Degree Days (CDDs). HDDs measure how much colder the temperature is than 65°F, while CDDs measure how much hotter it is. By purchasing contracts based on HDDs and CDDs, energy companies can protect themselves from unexpected temperature swings that reduce energy demand.

Renewable energy companies also use weather derivatives to manage the volume risks associated with inconsistent wind and solar generation. Weather derivatives help companies hedge against underperformance by securing contracts that offer financial protection when production falls below historical benchmarks​.


Climavision’s Horizon AI S2S Model: Advanced Weather Forecasting for Risk Management

While weather derivatives offer financial protection, businesses need accurate weather forecasts to inform their risk management strategies. That’s where Climavision’s Horizon AI S2S model comes in. This cutting-edge AI weather model delivers subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) predictions with unprecedented accuracy, empowering companies to stay ahead of weather risks and optimize their derivative strategies.

Key Features of Horizon AI S2S:

  • Global Coverage: Horizon AI provides forecasts for any region, allowing businesses to monitor and manage risks across the globe.
  • Hourly Forecast Increments: The model delivers hourly forecasts updated daily, providing companies with real-time data for strategic decision-making.
  • Degree Day Forecasting: The Horizon AI S2S model includes Heating Degree Day (HDD) and Cooling Degree Day (CDD) forecasting. Outputs provide daily averages of HDD/CDDs over a specified period, giving energy companies precise insights to better hedge against weather-driven energy demand.


Hourly Downscaling + Power Production Forecasting

One of the standout capabilities of Horizon AI S2S is Hourly Downscaling combined with Power Production (GWh) Forecasting at asset locations. This feature is designed specifically for energy traders and renewable energy companies to enhance precision in energy forecasting and risk management.

  • Hourly Downscaling: Horizon AI S2S takes large-scale weather data and downscales it to an hourly resolution at specific asset locations. This granular forecasting allows energy traders to monitor short-term weather fluctuations and make informed, real-time decisions about energy production and trading.
  • Power Production (GWh): Horizon AI S2S can forecast power production in gigawatt-hours (GWh) at individual wind or solar farm locations. By combining weather and energy data, businesses can predict how much power their assets will generate, helping them secure more accurate derivative contracts and protect against underperformance.

With this feature, energy companies and traders can not only forecast weather patterns but also directly correlate them with energy production, offering a more comprehensive risk management solution.


How Horizon AI S2S Complements Weather Derivatives and Energy Trading

Weather derivatives are invaluable for protecting against financial losses due to extreme weather, but their effectiveness relies on accurate forecasting. Climavision’s Horizon AI S2S model enhances this process, offering precise forecasts that help companies better plan their derivative contracts.

Improved power production forecasting from Climavision leads to more accurate predictions of net flow (the difference between electricity generation and consumption), allowing traders to make informed bets on price movements. They may trade on derivatives like futures, forwards, or options based on these predictions.

Calculations for Trading Decisions

In fact, the flow of power production forecast data integrates into several calculations that traders rely on, including:

  • Load Forecasts: Predicting consumer demand over various timeframes.
  • Generation Mix Forecasts: Determining which power sources (e.g., natural gas, renewables, nuclear) will be supplying electricity, as costs vary greatly.
  • Congestion and Nodal Prices: Local grid constraints can affect prices at specific nodes, and accurate production forecasts help traders account for potential congestion.
  • Ancillary Services and Reserve Requirements: Accurate production forecasts help balance the grid’s reliability needs, which can influence reserve markets.


Climavision API for Seamless Integration

Climavision’s Horizon AI S2S model doesn’t just offer accurate forecasts; it also provides easy integration through its comprehensive API. The API delivers detailed forecasting data, validation metrics, and point optimization, allowing businesses to integrate real-time weather information directly into their systems.

This API access is particularly valuable for energy traders and utilities looking to optimize their risk management strategies. By seamlessly integrating Horizon AI data with weather derivative contracts, businesses can make well-informed decisions that align with real-time weather patterns and forecasts​.


Manage Weather-Driven Risks

As climate risks grow and extreme weather becomes more frequent, businesses need reliable tools to navigate this changing landscape. Weather derivatives provide financial protection but pairing them with advanced forecasting from Climavision’s Horizon AI S2S model offers a powerful, comprehensive solution for managing weather-driven risks.

Discover how Climavision’s Horizon AI S2S model can help manage your weather risk by requesting a copy of our webinar “How AI Weather Intelligence is Transforming Energy Trading”. Led by industry experts Ben Toms and Alex Baldassano of Climavision, along with special guest Rebekah Llamas from Wood Mackenzie, the webinar provided a comprehensive overview of how AI-enhanced weather data is revolutionizing the energy sector.

In addition to the recording, you can also request a free two-week demo of our Horizon AI S2S API and our full Winter 2024 – 2025 outlook. Simply fill out the contact form below for one or more of these resources and to have any questions you may have answered.

Don’t let unpredictable weather catch your business off guard. Contact Climavision today to learn more about how our advanced weather forecasting and API solutions can help you stay ahead of weather-driven challenges and maximize your financial security.

In addition to the recording, you can also request a free two-week demo of our Horizon AI S2S API and our full Winter 2024 – 2025 outlook. Simply fill out the contact form below for one or more of these resources and to have any questions you may have answered.

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